Analysis of Misunderstandings in Charging Methods of Lithium Battery Chargers and Precautions

 News     |      2023-06-28 14:13:18

Lithium batteries are currently widely used in products such as mobile phones, but there are several misconceptions about their charging methods, especially the claim that the first three charges take more than 12 hours. However, is this kind of spread accurate? Next, the editor will tell you the answer~~

1、 Charging Methods for Lithium Battery Chargers - How to Charge in Ordinary Use

There is a lot of debate about how to charge lithium batteries in daily use. Some friends say that "you need to actively shut down the battery and charge it when there is no electricity left." However, some friends express that "you can charge it as you go." Regarding this issue, the author's behavior of not stopping the battery is the first theory, but he has discovered that there is no need to do so. What is the reason behind this? Let me take a look together~~

Reason 1: The life of the lithium battery is usually 300~500 Charge cycle. Assuming that the power supplied by a complete discharge is 1Q, the lithium battery can supply 300Q~500Q power in total, regardless of the power reduction in each Charge cycle. If 1/2 of the charge is used each time, it can be charged 600 to 1000 times; If 1/3 of the battery is charged at a time, it can be charged 900 to 1500 times; If randomly charged, the number of times may vary. In short, it is possible to compensate for the constant power input of 300Q-500Q. The lifespan of lithium batteries is related to the total charging capacity of the battery, but it is related to the number of charges. Deep discharge and deep charging may not have a significant impact on the lifespan of lithium batteries.

Reason 2: In fact, shallow discharge and shallow charging are more beneficial for lithium batteries. As long as the power module of the product is calibrated for lithium batteries, there is a need for deep discharge and deep charging. Therefore, in the ordinary process of utilization, it is possible to charge as needed without the need for optoelectronics, with convenience as the priority.

Integrated computer power supply

2、 Charging Method for Lithium Battery Chargers - How to Charge New Batteries

For the charging method of new batteries, the top three most widely circulated official methods are charging for more than 12 hours to activate the battery. However, is this statement accurate? Is there still a mistake~~ The answer is wrong~~

Reason 1: This statement is based on the continuous charging and discharging characteristics of nickel batteries, but there are significant differences between lithium batteries and nickel batteries. For lithium batteries, both over discharge and over charge can cause significant damage to the battery. Therefore, it is best to charge according to standard time and methods, and remember not to charge for more than 12 hours.

Reason 2: Lithium batteries will actively stop charging after being fully charged, but constantly placing them on the charger can lead to a discharge charging cycle. The characteristics of the battery's charge and discharge protection circuit can change, and the battery is at the edge of risk.

3、 Lithium battery charging method - precautions

Note 1: Avoid excessive temperature during charging

If the temperature during charging is higher than the specified operating temperature (35 ℃), the battery capacity of the lithium battery will continue to decrease, that is, the power supply time will be extended under full charge, which will damage the battery quality and lower the battery life.

Note 2: Avoid low temperature during charging

If the battery is charged at a low temperature (below 4 ℃), the battery's charge will continue to decrease, and even appear unable to charge. However, the situation is different from that of low temperature, and it is not permanently destroyed. When the temperature drops to the appropriate level, the battery's charge will return to its previous state.

Note 3: Frequently utilize

Frequent use will keep the electrons in the lithium battery in a state of activity, which is beneficial for extending its lifespan. If it is not used frequently, remember to realize a Charge cycle for the lithium battery every month, that is, deep charging once.